Students from J'lem Academy of Music spread cheer with classical approach to flashmobbing, Tchaikovsky style.
Forty students from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance took a slightly different approach to flashmobs, in their spontaneous "flashwaltz" performance at the Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem on Tuesday.While flashmobs usually consist of spontaneous pre-choreographed dance performances, this mob had a slightly more classical approach to a quite contemporary movement. The student musicians performed Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Flowers in the lobby of the new Sarah Wetsman Davidson Hospital Tower.As more and more student musicians join the musical extravanganza, doctors, patients and passers-by are also invited to contribute to the performance by waltzing to the music. By the end of the video, the Hadassah Hospital lobby is filled with dozens of wood and brass instruments, and dancing hospital patrons.The 'mob' was organized in honor of Good Deeds Day, an annual event that now takes place in over 50 countries worldwide, but originated in Israel. The event is dedicated to reaching out to "those less fortunate and the vulnerable," said the description on the YouTube video posted by the Hadassah Hospital.In light of their success, the students have decided to schedule regular concerts at the hospital.