
Everything you need to know about Judaism and being Jewish: the weekly Torah portion, Jewish holidays, Jewish rituals and more.

After undergoing Orthodox conversion, Noa Arazi is helping others do the same

Arazi has devoted much of her time to helping prospective converts learn about the conversion process, drawing from her own conversion experiences on social media.

Parashat Kedoshim: A society that worships wisdom and understanding is a holy one

This weeks Parasha teaches us that Judaism’s attitude toward the elderly is one of respect and understanding.

Parashat Kedoshim: Understanding the light of Shabbat

Shabbat is a weekly infusion of both physical and spiritual delight and rest for the Jewish people, the authors write.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but Passover is Zionist - comment

The anti-Haggadot and anti-seders claimed to create "collective Jewishness beyond Zionism," which is nothing but the abandonment of heritage, legacy, and tradition.

Parashat Aharei Mot: Holiness of the family

Why does the prohibition of worshiping Molech – as severe and horrifying as it may be – appear in the list of prohibitions of forbidden relationships?

Postcards looted from Jews by German soldier returned by granddaughter 80 years later

Nine years after his death, when McCabe was 18, she inherited part of his proud stamp collection.


Disney's Lion King: Is Mufasa Jewish? Parallels between Mufasa and Jewish scripture suggest he is

"The Lion King" echoes ancient Jewish tales through parallels with Joseph, Moses, and Jewish symbolism, enriching its narrative with Judeo-Christian elements and cultural resonance.

Unity from division: The lesson of God splitting the Red Sea and the Jews

When we learn the lesson of the Sea of Reeds to feel unity in our hearts, with all our differences, we can be more of the mind to “see” each other, be more forgiving, and able to focus on the good.


24 biblical, historical events that happened in the Hebrew month of Nissan

Of the 12 stones on the High Priest's ephod (breastplate), the stone for Nissan is known as “nophech” and is identified with a turquoise or blue emerald. 

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