IDF destroys home of Sarona Market killers in Yatta
On June 8, two Palestinian terrorists carried out a coordinated attack on Tel Aviv's Sorona shopping center, randomly firing on civilians at the Max Brenner Café and its surrounding
By YAAKOV LAPPIN, JPOST.COM STAFFUpdated: AUGUST 4, 2016 09:42IDF destroys home of Sarona Market terrorists(photo credit: COURTESY IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
IDF units along with Israel Police and the Civil Administration destroyed the home of two terrorist responsible for carrying out a deadly shooting at Tel Aviv’s Sarona Market while operating in the West Bank town of Yatta (near Hebron), the army announced on Thursday.The family home belonging to cousins Khaled Mahamrah, 20, and Mahmoud Mahamrah, 21, was razed by IDF forces less than two-months following the deadly Tel Aviv shooting attack that left four dead and 41 wounded.IDF destroys home of Sarona Market killers in YattaAnother man complicit in aiding and abetting the two terrorist was also arrested in the wake of the attack.Both shooters were arraigned on murder charges earlier last month in the Tel Aviv District court and are awaiting trial.The third man indicted for aiding and abetting, Yunis Aish Musa Zin, 21, also of Yatta, had planned to carry out the attack along with the other two terrorists.However, at the last second, the Mahmarah’s said he could not participate because he had debts and Islam forbids martyrdom while holding debts.Zin also admitted to helping to supply the alleged murderers with their weapons, including a Carl Gustav sub-machine gun, which was found at the scene of the attack.On June 8, the two Palestinian terrorists carried out a coordinated attack on Tel Aviv's Sorona shopping center, randomly firing on civilians at the Max Brenner Café and its surrounding. The attack marked one of the deadliest episodes in the city since Palestinian violence erupted last October.According to court documents, Mahmoud became an ISIS admirer while studying in Jordan before returning to Yatta in January 2016.Khaled started to think about a terrorist operation in August 2015 following the infamous murder of the Palestinian Dawabshe family of Duma that July.