According to Netanyahu, Israel is watching every step Iran takes in the Middle East.
By GIL HOFFMANUpdated: JUNE 20, 2017 08:57PM Benjamin Netanyahu(photo credit: REUTERS)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Iran following its missile strike in Syria Monday that the Islamic Republic should not be threatening Israel.Iran fires missiles at militant groups in eastern Syria (credit: REUTERS)Speaking to his Likud faction at the Knesset, he said Israel is always watching every step Iran takes in the region. He said this included Iran's attempts to entrench itself in Syria and to transfer advanced weapons to Hezbollah."We are following their actions and we are following their words," Netanyahu said. "I have one message to Iran: Don't threaten Israel." Netanyahu also used the meeting to respond to recent criticism from Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett and leaders of the settlement movement."There has not been, nor will there will be a better government for settlements than ours," Netanyahu said."We are building in all areas of the land. We are doing it with determination, systematically, and wisely."Netanyahu asked to remind the Right of mistakes it made toppling right-wing governments, which led to elections won by Labor Party prime ministers Yitzhak Rabin and Ehud Barak."There is no bigger mistake than toppling a government from the Right, and I am sure this mistake will not be repeated," he said.