Palestinian teen arrested in Old City in Jerusalem with knife
The minor was arrested and taken in for interrogation and the knife was seized.
By JPOST.COM STAFFKnife found on Palestinian youth in Old City of Jerusalem, February 1(photo credit: POLICE SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
A Palestinian youth was arrested by forces with a knife on his person on Hagai street in Jerusalem's old city on Monday, after he aroused the suspicions of nearby security forces.Police arrested the 14-year-old after they noticed him loitering on the predominantly Jewish street. The police examined the teen from a distance before a body search revealed a concealed weapon.The minor was arrested and taken in for interrogation and the knife was seized.An investigation into the incident has been launched.Local police released a statement praising the thwarting of the attack, saying: "Police in the area are briefed daily on the complex and challenging environment in order to prevent terrorist attacks and keep all the city's residents and the many visitors safe, especially in the alleyways of the Old City." "The police vigilance, mindfulness and professionalism allowed police to detect suspicious activity and led to the seizure of the weapon. This kind of vigilance prevents innocent people from being harmed."