Photos: Social media and Palestinian incitement during terror wave
Palestinian Facebook post: There is nothing greater than a knife penetrating the heads of the Jews.
By ARIEL BEN SOLOMONUpdated: OCTOBER 16, 2015 13:37Cartoon on Facebook page of news portal "Palestine Now" shows Palestinian making victory sign with his fingers, drawn as two knives.(photo credit: MEMRI)
Social media is serving as a main source of incitement for the ongoing terrorist attacks in Israel, two new reports by MEMRI (the Middle East Media Research Institute) reveal.Several hashtags such as “The Intifada Has Started," "The Third Intifada," "The Jerusalem Intifada," "The Knife Intifada," "Poison the Knife before You Stab," and "Slaughtering the Jews," were launched recently in social media in Arabic to spread propaganda praising and encouraging attacks.“Many Twitter accounts using these hashtags expressed joy at the attacks, called the perpetrators ‘heroes,’ threatened more attacks soon, and encouraged others to carry out similar stabbings,” one of the reports which included various samples of these posts described.(Photo: An image posted with the "Knife Intifada" hashtag calls to use a knife with a notched blade rather than a smooth blade.) (Photo: Social media users advised potential stabbers how to make their attacks as deadly as possible. Gazan user named Zahran Barbah, writing under the Facebook hashtag "Stab," posted the anatomical chart.)
(Photo: Facebook photo featured the caption "rain your knives upon them" and the word "Intifada" in Arabic photo of Jerusalem with a meat clever and the image of a religious Jew on blade.)A post by the website, which is affiliated with Hamas, posted a picture on its Facebook page showing a man holding a knife as he walks towards two religious Jews standing at a Jerusalem bus stop. The image features the “Knife Intifada” hashtag.A tweet also under the “Knife Intifada” hashtag showed an image of a knife in the shape of the map of pre-1948 Palestine with a Palestinian flag attached to the handle. The text on the picture stated: “Your knife is freedom.”Another picture posted on Facebook (and since removed) showed the victim of a stabbing with the knife stuck in the back of his neck with the caption: “Stabbing operation. The free men of al-Aksa. The Intifada has started. The [West] Bank is carrying out resistance. There is nothing greater than a knife penetrating the heads of the Jews.”The second report by MEMRI, deals with posts that provide video tutorials and tips for more “effective” attacks.A Gazan user named Zahran Barbah, using the hashtag “Stab,” posted an anatomical chart with knife images at locations on the body to aim for.Various Facebook pages, including one called “Intifada Youth Coalition – Palestine” posted a video demonstrating how to carry out a stabbing.A tweet from Karem from Gaza using the hashtag “Poison The Knife Before You Stab,” gave instructions on how to make attacks more deadly."Dip [your] knife in an active poison before carrying out [a stabbing], so that even if the knife does not manage [to kill], the poison will do the job," it said. (Photo: An image posted on Facebook under the "Knife Intifada" hashtag called on West Bank residents to continue killing Jews: "O son of the [West] Bank, rise up! Do not leave [the Jews] alone.")(Photo: Pro-ISIS Twitter user Monaser Al-Dawlawi tweeted a cartoon of terrorist attacking a soldier. Hashtag: "Slaughtering the Jews" and the text: "Jews, we are coming soon. [You will] have your rotten heads cut off by the lions of the caliphate [nickname for ISIS fighters], Allah willing.")(Photo: "Knife Intifada" hashtag on Facebook with picture of a hand gripping a bloody knife on the backdrop of Jews waving Israeli flags. Caption reading "We are coming to slaughter you.") (Photo: Facebook page titled "Mobilize for the Third Palestinian Intifada;" picture of knife shaped like a map of Palestine with rifle and al-Aqsa Mosque; caption: "The methods are different. The goals are the same." )(Photo: Facebook page titled "My Hobby Is Burning the Zionist Flag" featured image with caption "The Knife Intifada.")(Photo: Knife in shape of map of pre-1948 Palestine with a Palestinian flag with text: Your knife is freedom.)