Are Some Christians Better Friends of Israel - a CALL for ACTION

California Legislative Jewish Caucus are pilfers in broad day light

Blatant Anti-Christian bigotry in California legislative halls

The BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction Israel) movement is fertile grounds for anti-Semitism, the world over. It is using the very same propaganda practices Hitler’s Nazi propaganda master Joseph Goebbel used and its ultimate goal is to delegitimize Israel and demonize Jews so they are loathed and are targeted for hate crimes.

In Washington, lawmakers in both chambers of Congress introduce bipartisan legislation boosting efforts at the state and local levels to combat economic warfare against Israel.  The bipartisan bills—sponsored by, non-Jews, Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) in the Senate, and Juan Vargas (D-CA) and Bob Dold (R-IL) in the House—under the title “Combating BDS Act of 2016,” inter alia, protect state and local governments’ right to disassociate pensions and contracts from entities that boycott, divest from, or sanction Israel.

My question is where are the Jews members of congress, to have been the ones to have introduced an anti-BDS bill?

Illinois was the first state in the nation to enact law to divest public pension funds from companies that engage in BDS. Other states have already followed in Illinois footsteps and have passed such law and other states are working on doing the very same.

In California there is a proposed state bill AB-1552, which Legislator Travis Allen, a non-Jewish Republican in the California State Assembly from Huntington Beach (District 72) announced in November 2015 introduced on January 4th 2016.

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  Assemblyman Travis Allen

According to Mr. Allen, the BDS vile movement, “use(s) false, demonizing, and delegitimizing propaganda against the State of Israel.” If adopted, AB 1552 would prohibit state-run government entities from doing business with companies that engage in boycotts with a “person or entity, based on the race, color, religion, gender, or nationality.”

Pathetically, AB 1552 has not yet become the law of California. Reason, the California legislative Jewish caucus has been the bill's obstacle to being passed into law.

Assemblyman Richard Bloom, District 50, Democrat and a member of the legislative Jewish caucus, was originally a joint author with Mr. Allen of AB 1552. He has since taken his name off the bill and has decided he wants to be in charge of his own anti-BDS bill, AB 2844. Mr. Bloom,  using verbatim AB 1552 language, clearly plagiarized AB 1552, and wants to have the credit all to himself. He has the support of the Jewish Caucus, some of whose members do not even want any anti-BDS bill. AB 2844’s goal is to kill AB 1552, the only bill that will be effective to yoke the BDS. The intention of the Jewish caucus renegades is to water down what was AB 1552 so it has no teeth and effect, but they know that as long as AB 1552 is alive, people can always jump ship and join in support of AB 1552.

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 Assemblyman Richard Bloom
Proof of claim:
Assemblymen Allen & Bloom joint authorship of AB 1552:

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AB 1552 official amendments

AB 1552 Richard Bloom copycat amendments

The Jews Caucus was formed in 2014; where were they to be first to introduce anti BDS bill? What have they done so far? Instead of thanking Assemblyman Allen for doing what should be expected of them, as Jews, to defend the Jewish State, are they only good at stealing other people’s related work and also questioning its author?! This is theft in broad daylight and should be treated as a theft crime.

The Jewish Journal article "Jewish Democrat withdraws joint authorship of Republican’s anti-BDS bill, plans to introduce same legislation,' well describes the shenanigans the legislative Jewish caucus has thus far pulled off.

The actions of the legislative Jewish caucus are blatant anti-Christian bigotry because a Christian, a Republican, introduced AB-1552. Is it that in the eyes of the Jewish caucus Christians are not good enough to introduce such bill that defends and protects Israel? Is it that according to the Jewish caucus in California Christians need not apply to protect Israel? With their actions the Jewish caucus in California is discriminating against those who are trying to protect the Jewish state and if it takes plagiarism and theft, so be it.

Christian Friends of Israel

So let us see how Christians do care for Israel’s well-being. The best example is CUFI (Christian United For Israel), an organization that has over 2 million members, all of whom vehemently support Israel. It has poured millions of dollars into Israel to help the state, unabashedly supports Israel in the US congress and each year holds a ‘Night to Honor Israel’ in tens of USA cities.

I now question, loudly, whether the California legislative Jewish caucus members really understand what it means to be Jewish.

I, the writer, am personally furious about the events taking place, caused by the California legislature. I want AB 1552 passed with the support of everyone in Sacramento. I am now asking every person who understands what is at stake to get behind Assemblyman Travis Allen and his bipartisan AB 1552 so it gets passed into law as it should.

We must be the rock and keep on fighting to win.

Take Action

Please call

1/ Assemblyman Anthony Rendon, District 63, California Speaker of the Assembly

Capitol Office: Sacramento, CA 95814

Tel: (916) 319-2063

And District Office: South Gate, CA 90280

Tel: (562) 529-3250

And please call

2/ Assemblyman Richard S. Gordon, District 24, Chair Committee On Rules

Capitol Office: Sacramento, CA 94249-0024

Tel: (916) 319-2024

And District Office: Los Altos, CA 94022

Tel: (650) 691-2121

The Committee On Rules is where AB 1552 being held hostage while they are trying, in any way possible, to move Richard Bloom’s AB 2844 bill and pass it. We, the people, demand that AB 1552 is referred out of the Committee On Rules and gets a fair hearing date.