Hitlerism and Nazism, an Industry of Dehumanization and Humiliation

 Holocaust means the systematic mass slaughter of European Jews in Nazi concentration camps during World War II.

In what is left as a witness of the Majdanek extermination German-Nazi camp, located in east Poland and adjacent to the Polish city Lublin, where I visited last week, you witness the true meaning of the Holocaust. There, in Majdanek, the term anti-Semitism, today so often applied wrongly or deliberately ignored, can be well understood.

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 Majdanek-through the eye of the Memorial monument you see the Mausoleum a burial of the ashes of 18,000 murdered Jews
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 Majdanek-I, the writer, at the entrance to this extermination camp monument

For those who have not made the must trip to visit the remains of one of the German extermination camps’ sites in Europe, join me here on my visit that describes my stroll and what I saw in Majdanek.

The gigantic monument, one sees upon arrival at the site, erected in 1969 and designed by Victor Tolkin, a survivor of the camp, stands where the entrance to camp once was and to where the transports of thousands of people arrived, immediately transforms your mood. From thereon, a walk in the boundaries of the camp, large fields of grass, is eerie.

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 Majdanek-Nazi staff barracks; bails from the large grass fields
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 Majdanek-view of camp
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 Majdanek-camp and Lublin on its border

The Nazis’ plan was to Germanize Poland and the starting point was Lublin, making Lublin an example of a German city in Poland. They moved Polish people out of their home and gave their homes to arriving German folks. Polish people were picked up in the street to be used as forced labor force while Polish Jews were transported to their death.

The camp was initially called the Concentration Camp at Lublin (Konzentrationslager Lublin); then the name was changed to Prisoner of War Camp at Lublin (Kriegsgefangenenlager der Waffen-SS Lublin), but in February 1943, the name reverted back to Concentration Camp.

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The first prisoners at Majdanek were Russian prisoners of war, transferred to the camp from a barbed wire enclosure at Chelm, but the camp soon became a detention center for Jews. After on January 20, 1942, the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" received the green light at the Wannsee Conference, mass transports of Jews began arriving at the Majdanek camp.

The headquarters for Operation Reinhard, which was set up after the Final Solution decision at the Wannsee Conference, was in Lublin, near the Majdanek camp. It was a camps’ system made of Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec camps.

The field one sees today is the size of 90 soccer fields but it was three times larger during its Nazi operation. After the war, Lublin city expanded and building were built on land on which camp’s barracks once stood.

At the entrance to the camp the ‘economic’ section barracks still stand. There the Nazis established workshops in which prisoners with suitable vocation worked as slaves to the benefit of the Nazi war machine and their sick mind operation, to the point of even assigning artists to decorate the deadly camp. In Majdanek Camp III a three bird statue stands, built in 1943 by a camp’s prisoner whom the Nazis commissioned for the job. The statue, made of prisoners’ ash, in fact is the first Holocaust memorial.

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 Majdanek-art commissioned by camp staff in Field III was designed by Albin Maria Boniecki

Noted, the artist had the bird’s head facing east a message to the prisoners that the Russian army is getting closer and hope could be expected to come to them from the east but the Nazis, immersed in their hate for humanity and ego, did not get the message.

The camp consisted of five fields or ‘feld’, as the remaining signs indicate. Out of five Feld III is on display, a testimony to what went on in Majdanek. The entire camp could house up to 150,000 prisoners whom the Nazis would use as slave laborers. There were 120 barracks, making Majdanek larger than the notorious Auschwitz-Birkenau camp.

At Majdanek camp, the guards were Ukrainians and living conditions were extremely poor and totally inhuman. There were no regulations and at time the Nazis did not know what to do with the arriving people and many simply died of the horrific living conditions in the camp.

Almost at the beginning of the walk through the camp you walk into an empty filed which was once the “selektzia”-selection field, the Nazis named it ‘rose garden,’ because it was fenced by barbed wire fence that reminded the SS officers or rose bush thorns.  There the Nazis decided whom among the arrivals is useful to them and who must die. When, in 1942, the Nazi regime decided to liquidate the Jewish ghettos, Jews arrived to this field and there, according to the Nazis selection system, their pathetic future was decided upon. There prisoners were shaved, striped off their clothes and belongings, took a shower and chemicals’ bath and some were gassed either by Zyklon-B or carbon monoxide, which caused them a terrible death, and then burned already there.

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 George Pfeffer-photo-described the selektzia in rose garden field-Rosenfeld-gas chamber on right
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 Majdanek-bed of red roses by the crematorium

The main objection of the Nazis was the dehumanization and humiliation of people while making the person insignificant and maximizing the use of his or her body and belongings. Shaving hair had two fold, taking away from the person’s recognizable image while using his or her hair for industrial purpose. The human ash at the end of the process of making people simply disappear of the face of the earth was used as fertilizer. They inmates were given a number, which was tattooed on their left arm in order to strip them off their identity name.

The Nazis recycled clothes and tattooed numbers. A dead inmate’s striped uniform, unwashed and often trained with blood, was passed on to another inmate. A dead inmate tattooed number was assigned to a new inmate.

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 Majdanek-one over to burn as many Jews as possible in one load
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 "hotel" Majdanek-3 prisoners to a bed
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 Majdanek-prisoners were received by having to take a shower
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 Majdanek-Zyklon-B canister and its content

In Feld III the barracks were built as horse stables, offering no human living conditions in order to degrade and steal the inmates’ humanity. Each barrack accommodated 400-to-500 prisoners but more often than not the number of inmates was much higher and that toughened the living condition further. In order to prevent solidarity among the prisoners, the men inmates were a mix of Slovaks, Jews, Polish and Russian who did not speak the same language and thus could not communicate well. In Feld V, the women section of the camp solidarity was somewhat formed and they helped one another where and how possible. On display there are 40,000 prisoners’, mostly Jews, shoes. It is estimated that upon liberation of the camp the Russians found about 400,000 shoes there but no feet wearing them.

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 Majdanek-Feld III Entrance
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 Odilo Globocnik Austrian, born in Slovenia-a prominent Austrian Nazi and later an SS leader-the top commandant of the entire Lunlin Camps System

The most notorious event in Majdanek is called the ‘harvest festival,’ during which 42,000 Jews were killed, 18,000 of them in nine hours, on November 3rd, 1943, the ‘bloody Wednesday.’ It took however two months to bury them. It took the Germans nine hours to kill the entire Lublin Polish-Jewish community.

To hush their ongoing atrocities and keep it a ‘secret,’ so they thought, the Nazis placed amplifiers that played loud music where they were conducting the murders in order for the prisoners not to hear the gun shots.

The camp ends with huge memorial mausoleum dome, shaped as an urn, under which there is a huge heap of soil made of the 18,000 murdered Jews ashes’ mixed with concrete to give the place a burial sense.

In Majdanek one of the largest mass murder of Jews in Holocaust history took place. One minute in Majdanek feels as long a lesson as the four years one takes to obtain one’s first high learning degree.

Between the years 1941 to 1943 Majdanek extermination camps’ system served the Nazis Final Solution plan well. More Jews were murdered in east Poland than is Auschwitz and in a much a shorter time. Within three years 80,000 people, mostly Jews were murdered. In 1943 the Germans stopped the extermination of Jews in Majdanek gas chambers and transferred the remaining Jewish inmates to other camps. One can ask why? Is it because they ran out of Jews?

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 Majdanek-I stand witness to the crematorium
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 Majdanek-the Mausoleum burial of 18,000 Jews burned to ashes
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 Majdanek-the ditch where 18,000 Jews were killed in 9 hours

The camp was liberation by the Russian Red Army. Upon liquidation, the remaining 600 prisoners were transferred to other extermination camps and only two survived; they jumped off the train and landed in the river.

After the war, due to cost calculation, the Polish government decided not to preserve the camp’s barracks and all but Feld III, as I wrote, on display, were destroyed.

Poland can be called the largest cemetery for Jews in the world.  There is a saying: Man tracht un Got lacht, meaning man makes plans and God laughs. By the Majdanek main crematorium building a lovely red roses garden blooms.

I will change the saying to: Man veinen (cries) un G-d lacht (laughs). In Majdanek, the souls of the dead and the hearts of the visitors cry while God’s nature laughs in the happiness of bloom.

My question that is dug deep in my mind is, what exactly the Jews did to Hitler, his Nazi commandants cohorts and the entire German nation for them to have had the obsessive need to try wipe them off the face of the earth?

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 Majdanek-the sliver of hope crevice in the Memorial monument