Liberal/Left Leaning Jews Need to Hear This


Jews are at a crossroads today. On the one hand, the data shows us that antisemitism is growing world wide. In just about every city in the West, antisemitic incidents are escalating. Here in Toronto, a typical incident consists of painting swastikas on Jewish establishments. But elsewhere such as in Paris, Orthodox Jews must hide their identity in public to avoid physical attacks––or worse. Although France had the highest percentage of Jews post WWII, today French Jews are fleeing in droves. Jewish students at universities are under attack and they are watched so closely that they keep their pro-Israel voices shut. Israel has been on the defensive for years. She faces existential threats from Iran and is barraged by Muslims either strapping on suicide belts or firing missiles at her from the Gaza strip or the Syrian border. For the past 8 years Obama and his administration has not been a friend to Israel or the Jews––despite his claims to the contrary. To say that most governments in the West have made us feel uncomfortable, would be an understatement. The relationship between Israel and the US government has hit an historical all-time low. Both the Clinton and Sander camps contain many high ranking antisemites. Physical assaults on Jews throughout Europe are at an all-time high. All religions except for Islam, have lost many members. Churches are empty and some synagogues are facing a difficult time retaining membership. As a result, many Jews have lost their Jewishness. This has been an ongoing issue for many years, but it seems to have reached a critical mass at this point. But people (and Jews are no exception) need a cause. They need to belong. So many American Jews (and others) have found it in the Democratic party in the States. Or in the Liberal party in Canada. Many are even on the left in Israel. They will even ignore the obvious Jew haters within their ranks. Sometimes, the leaders themselves are complicit in this hatred, which is often ignored for the common good of the group.
Now to the point: The people who really need to hear this message are the left-leaning, democratic, liberal, baby boomers, and other Jews & Jewish organizations (like the ADL) who despise Trump. People who need to heed this message are the protestors, who rail against Trump in almost every metropolitan city throughout the world. As I write this, hundreds are protesting him in Paris. As Paris is burning, thanks to radical Islamist terrorists and the terrible economic burden induced by massive waves of Muslim migrants, many are protesting a democratically elected Trump. I’m including most of the younger, often arrogant population as well. I’m even including a few misguided Jewish Holocaust survivors that fear Trump and the people who voted for him.
I really need a drum roll here....... The Message: The same group of mostly middle class, primarily Christian Americans (e.g. plumbers, mechanics, farmers, construction workers, factory workers, blue-collar service workers and salespeople), who voted for Trump are the same people who liberated our Jewish parents and grandparents from the Holocaust! This same group of whites and blacks and a smattering of others are the ones who risked and often lost their lives in order for us to survive. They liberated thousands of Jews who looked more like skeletons than humans in Auschwitz and other camps. These are the same brave men and woman who we ridicule for having the audacity for voting for the misogynist, racist, nut job, hater named Donald Trump. I think we owe them! We owe them a chance to enjoy the results from a legitimate democratic election. Why not stop attacking Trump every second of every day and give him a chance to succeed? If he succeeds we all win. The vicious lies have saturated the planet. From the lame jokes (lies) on the infamous SNL TV show to small unknown haredi newspapers who sometimes vacillate  on him or his supporters. Poor Steve Bannon will be known as an antisemite in 20 years from now. This case resembles the ‘Jenin massacre'.  Israel will forever be identified as the brutal murderers responsible for levelling an entire Arab city thanks to the constant repetition of this lie.
In addition to this cohort, there is a brave group of Righteous Gentiles who defend Jews and support Israel today. Some are Evangelical Christians, or just plain well informed Christians, some are Hindus, some are atheists and some are even Muslims. Some are white, some are black, some are Asian, some are gay, some are straight. We can learn a lot from them. I’m sad to report that in my own experience, many of these people are better engaged in supporting important Jewish & Israeli causes than many of these same democratic or liberal Jews who prefer to live with their heads in the sand. In Canada, we have “Israel Truth Week” which is often led by a Righteous Gentile named Mark Vandermaas who preaches that Jews must know that Israel holds the legal title to Judea and Samaria (aka The West Bank) thanks to the Balfour Declaration and the Mandate for Palestine. If we want to give it away for any reason, that’s up to us––but lets start with the truth. And there are many others across the world who warn us about the dangers from radical Islam. Have you heard from Dr. Tawfik Hamid, Geert Wilders, Brigitte Gabriel, Pat Condell, Douglas Murray and many others who have come to our rescue?
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my many Gentile followers of all faiths and colours. Many are people that I’ve never met. They are often the most vocal supporters/readers of  my columns and emails and support my efforts to educate the public at large as to the real threats facing good people all over the world. These righteous friends defend those that need defending and in particular they  identify antisemites and give credit to those who deserve it. We owe them a debt of gratitude. Let’s get out of our comfort zone and show them support.
The good news is that cracks have begun. It might have started with Brexit. Certainly the Trump win is a huge opportunity for real change and even Israel was elected to chair something within the UN! The Middle East is in turmoil; however, it could be a good turmoil vis a vis Israel. Hamas and Hizbollah are busy with ISIS. Saudi Arabia is focused on Iran and visa-versa. Former arch enemies such as Egypt may slowly become our allies. The stars have aligned. Now is the time for Israel to set the record straight. Enough insane talk about a two-state solution. Many former friends and backers to the PA have had enough. They too are sick of corruption and more importantly, they have their own problems to deal with. Abbas is irrelevant and obsolete. Bibi needs to stop talking to him or about him. Abas' own people hate him. But Trump won’t initiate the formal annexation of Judea and Samaria for Israel. The Jews have to do it on their own. Countries throughout the world need to take back their states. Charity starts at home. Let the wealthy Muslim countries take in millions of their own migrants from war-torn areas if they wish. We need to be pragmatic. We can see what happens when you let in millions of undocumented, unscreened Muslim migrants from terrorist-sponsoring countries. We do need to limit Muslim immigration. One has to be blind not to see what is going on in Europe. In step with the people who voted for Trump, lets give him a chance to succeed and let’s also support Israel to do the the same. Israel needs to finally do what’s in her best interest just like every other country in the world does. If this means embracing Righteous Gentiles and ignoring some liberal Jews, so be it.
This my friends, is a limited time offer!