Avoid injuries on Independence Day

Every Independence Day, hospital emergency rooms are busy treating adults and children hurt in preventable accidents involving burns from explosives and barbecues, spray foams in the eyes, loud noises and injuries incurred during hikes and visits to nature areas.
Prof. Yehezkel Weisman, head of emergency medicine at Petah Tikva’s Schneider Children’s Medical Center, urged forethought to prevent accidents. Containers with chemicals that turn into foam when pressed are liable to enter the eyes and cause damage to the cornea. Don’t buy or use them, he suggested. If they are nevertheless used, don’t aim at the eyes. If injured by sprays, eyes should be washed with tap water, and the victim should be taken for medical care At barbecues, keep children far away from fire, electricity or charcoal. Wash any burn with cold water and cover it with a sterile bandage.
Children under the age of five should not be fed hard-to-chew meat so they don’t choke on it. Cut hot dogs lengthwise rather than in circles so they don’t clog their airways. Don’t let children up to five eat seeds or other hard foods of any kind. When eating, children should sit down and not run around.