Danon: Palestinian incitement needs to be condemned, stopped in order to restore calm

Calling on United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and the UN Security Council to condemn recent Palestinian violence against innocent Israeli civilians, incoming UN Israeli envoy, Danny Danon, said Wednesday that "the current wave of terrorism which continues to strike throughout Israel" was a result of incitement and would need to cease in order to restore calm.
"This current wave of terrorism...does not skip infants, nor children, nor women instead of men," Danon said. "Israeli citizens are afraid to walk down the street, and refrain from using public transportation...and are afraid when their children leave the house."
Danon added that "this merciless slaughter was not created in a vacuum. It is a direct result of Palestinian incitement...designed to pollute the minds of young children towards hatred."
Danon concluded by stating that he expects "a loud and clear condemnation against Palestinian incitement" from both the UN Security Council and the UN Secretary-General.