Herzog: Settlement product labeling is 'European prize for terror'

Amid reports that the European Union was expected to publish in the next few weeks its guidelines on the consumer labeling of Israeli products produced over the pre-1967 lines, opposition leader Isaac Herzog said the anticipated move was a European prize for terror. 
"I harshly oppose this harmful and superfluous move. It serves only one purpose, the continuation of hate and conflict in the area. Labeling products is a violent act of extremists who want to worsen the situation here even more, and the EU is falling in the trap that they have set," Herzog said, following a meeting in which he discussed the matter with British Ambassador to Israel David Quarrey. 
The product labeling, Herzog said, "is a prize that Europe is giving for terror and is something that will not help bring about the two-state solution, and it will cause serious economic harm to tens of thousands of Palestinians who are employed in factories in Judea and Samaria under suitable conditions and who bring income home to their families." 
"My position on the necessity to separate from the Palestinians is known, but it will not be achieved with these kinds of moves," Herzog added.