Israel's new ambassador to Egypt arrives in Cairo

Israel's new ambassador to Egypt David Govrin arrived in Cairo on Sunday to begin taking up his position as Israel's 13th ambassador to Egypt since the two countries established ties in 1980.
Govrin, who speaks fluent Arabic and has a doctorate in Middle East history, is coming to the post after serving most recently as the director of the Foreign Ministry’s Jordan and North Africa Department, coordinating ties with the Hashemite Kingdom, Morocco and Tunisia.
He also served as first secretary at the embassy in Cairo in the 1990s.
Govrin, 53, is replacing Haim Koren, who served in the post for two years. Govrin's arrival in Cairo comes as Israeli-Egyptian ties are on an up-tick, with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry having come to Jerusalem last Sunday for the highest ranking visit by an Egyptian official since 2007.