Netanyahu on Navon passing: He shaped Israel as free, Jewish, and democratic

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a statement on the passing of former President Yitzhak Navon, expressing his condolences and recounting the late president's accomplishments.
"As David Ben-Gurion's secretary, Minister of Education and President, Navon was a full partner in shaping the State of Israel as a free, Jewish and democratic state. I was always impressed by the depth of his education, his openness to everyone and his deep love for the people of Israel and its heritage." 
Netanyahu also acknowledged Navon's deep connection to Jerusalem, saying Navon "was active in advancing unity among Israel's various communities, commemorating Sephardic Jewish communities and in promoting awareness of the history of the Jerusalem in which he was born and lived his life."
"Navon will be remembered as one of the elite of the nation and among its senior builders."