Top Senate Democrat chides Netanyahu over 'untimely' Golan remarks

Sen. Ben Cardin, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, said declaring Israeli ownership of the Golan Heights was not “timely” while Syria was mired in civil war.
He counseled Israel to focus more on peace with the Palestinians.
“Syria is in a state of war, the whole area is in flux,” Cardin, D-Md., said Thursday when he was asked about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s declaration this week that “The Golan Heights will forever remain in Israel’s hands.”
“I don’t think it’s timely to figure out what’s happening in the north when there is an active war in Syria,” Cardin said of Netanyahu.
“Ultimately you’re going to need to have some type of recognition factor and you don’t have a government you can negotiate with and talk with in Syria,” said Cardin, who was meeting foreign policy reporters during a break from Senate votes.