UK PM May urges parliament to back her EU repeal bill

LONDON- British Prime Minister Theresa May urged lawmakers on Saturday to back an EU repeal bill due to be fully debated for the first time next week, as she faces possible opposition from some of her pro-European deputies.
On Thursday, British lawmakers will hold their first full parliamentary debate on legislation dubbed the Great Repeal Bill, which will sever the country's ties with the European Union with the chance to table amendments at a later stage.
"The Repeal Bill ... (is) the single most important step we can take to prevent a cliff-edge for people and businesses, because it transfers laws and provides legal continuity," she said in comments provided by her office.
"We ... welcome the contributions of MPs from across the House. But for us to grasp the great prize ahead of us, that contribution must fit with our shared aim: to help Britain make a success of Brexit and become that great global country we know we can be," she said.