US State Dept. commemorates Buenos Aires bombing

The US State Department sent out a press release today commemorating the 1994 AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires which killed 85 people and wounded hundreds.
"The United States shares the sorrow of the families of those who perished in the bombing of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) building in 1994. For the past 23 years, we have joined the Argentine government and victims of this terrorist attack in seeking justice. We continue to believe that the Iranian government has a responsibility to cooperate fully with Argentine authorities in bringing the perpetrators to justice. On this occasion, we also reflect upon the significant contributions of prosecutor Alberto Nisman in investigating the AMIA bombing, and note the importance of clarifying the circumstances of his tragic death. On this day, as has been the case in the many years since the bombing, we remain united with the people of Argentina in the search for justice."
The bombing was also commemorated in a ceremony in Tel Aviv today, in which Birthright participants, Argentinians, and others gathered to remember the lives that were lost, and to seek justice in the still-unsolved case.