Ya’alon apologizes for aide who criticized war hero

A firestorm of protest erupted after a political adviser to Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon criticized war hero Maj. Roi Klein, who threw himself on a grenade and died to protect his soldiers during the Battle of Bint Jbail during the Second Lebanon War.
According to soldiers who survived the incident, Klein, who was a company commander and deputy battalion commander in the Golani Brigade, cried out “Shema Yisrael...” as he shielded his soldiers from the blast.
Klein, 31, came from the national-religious sector and is revered in the community for his self-sacrifice. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Courage and has had schools and other institutions named after him.
On the evening of Remembrance Day last week Moshe Ben-Zaken, an adviser to Ya’alon, wrote on his Facebook page a post dedicated to his friend St.- Sgt. Shimon Dahan, who was also killed in Bint Jbail.
In the post, first noticed by Channel 2 on Sunday, Ben-Zaken said that on July 26, 2006, Klein had led his company into a trap during the battle and only jumped on the grenade to cover for his mistake.