2 Rockets from Lebanon lands in Galilee; none hurt
Police say projectiles land in Western Galilee, near Lebanese border; Police, IDF search for additional rocket after explosion heard.
By YAAKOV LAPPIN, JPOST.COM STAFFkatyusha 298 channel 2(photo credit: Channel 2)
At least two rockets fired from Lebanon landed inside of Israeli territory in the Western Galilee, near the Lebanese border overnight Monday, a police spokesman told The Jerusalem Post.No injuries or damage were reported in the attacks.An additional explosion was also heard in the Western Galilee. Police were searching the area with the help of the IDF for signs of an additional projectile falling.Army Radio reported that at least one of the projectiles which landed in the Western Galilee was a Katyusha rocket. The police clarified in a statement that it remained unclear whether the projectile was a Katyusha or a different type of rocket. Police bomb squad units and the IDF were investigating the incident.The Western Galilee was a target of Hezbollah rocket attacks during the 2006 Lebanon War, but the front has been largely quiet for the past several years.