About 50 of the infiltrators took hold over the tomb compound and clashed with security forces, the statement said.RELATED:'PA police purposely fired on Joseph's Tomb worshipers'Ben-Yosef Livnat officially recognized as terror victimAccording to Army Radio, the infiltrators called for Israel to retake control over the area. "This behavior risks lives and leads to the unnecessary risking of soldiers' lives who were forced to act even in daylight in the center of Nablus," the statement added.Overnight Sunday, Palestinian filed complaints about property damage which will be looked into."The IDF sees the behavior of the infiltrators as severely irresponsible and it will be examined in cooperation with various security forces, who will also check the nature of the security over the entrance to Joseph's Tomb for the future," the IDF spokesperson said.In related news, about 1600 worshippers entered Joseph's Tomb Sunday night under the approval of the IDF. Due to high demand to visit the Tomb, the number of buses to the destination were doubled.