In a panel section of the event, co-sponsored by the Jewish Law Students Association and Harvard Hillel, the student asked Livni: “How is it that you are so smelly?"When his pungent question only elicited curious looks, he clarified: "Oh, it's a question about the odor of Ms. Tzipi Livni, very smelly, and I was just wondering.”
Harking back to the old anti-Semitic trope of the "smelly Jew" was roundly condemned in the Harvard Law Record on Tuesday."Anti-Semitism is still very real today, and it just showed itself in our community at Harvard Law School," read the editorial. "The idea that Jews can be identified by a malodor is patently offensive and stereotypes Jews as an 'other' which incites further acts of discrimination."
The video coverage for the Q&A section of the event has not been released, but the unnamed student is thought to be the president of a student organization on campus.