'57% support unilateral Israeli move to set borders'
Poll: 61% of Israelis support 2-state solution, while 23% support bi-national state without full Palestinian civic rights.
By JPOST.COM STAFFWall 370(photo credit: Linda Gradstein/The Media Line)
A majority of the public (57 percent) believes Israel should make a unilateral move to determine its borders with the Palestinian territories, using the path of the existing separation wall as a guide, a poll found.The majority of the Jewish Israeli public (61%) supports the two-state solution, the poll, conducted by Rafi Smith for nonpartisan political movement Blue White Future released on Friday found.Twenty-three percent of the public, however, support a binational state, without giving Palestinians full civic rights, while 7% think Israel should give Palestinians full civic rights. Thirteen percent think the situation should remain as it is.The finding that nearly a quarter of respondents (23%) support a binational state, without full civic rights for Palestinians, marked a notable rise from the findings of the December 2012 poll, in which only 13% of respondents supported such a situation.Twenty-eight percent of Bayit Yehudi voters support the two-state solution, a rise from a poll conducted in December 2012 in which only 24% expressed support for such a solution.An even bigger rise was noted among Shas voters, with 38% saying they support the two-state solution, as opposed to 13% who supported it in December.The poll was conducted among a sample of 500 Jewish adults in Israel in April.Blue White Future, the nonpartisan political movement that commissioned the poll, states its objective as seeking “to help resolve the Israeli- Palestinian conflict on the basis of a ‘two states for two peoples’ solution by facilitating the relocation of settlers so that all Israel’s citizens reside within secure permanent borders that guarantee a Jewish majority.”