Trajtenberg denies reports of c'tee recommendations

Trajtenberg says Channel 2 list of c'tee conclusions - such as defense budget cuts and education reform - based on rumor.

Prof. Manuel Trajtenberg (photo credit: Mark Neiman / GPO)
Prof. Manuel Trajtenberg
(photo credit: Mark Neiman / GPO)
Professor Manuel Trajtenberg said the Trajtenberg Committee – appointed by the government last month to examine ways to implement socioeconomic change – had not reached any final conclusions or decisions for a final budgetary program, despite a Channel 2 report claiming to have a number of his committees recommendations.
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Trajtenberg, who made the comments in Hebrew on a YouTube clip for the committee's online channel, was responding the a Channel 2 report yesterday that claimed to have several of the committees suggestions for the government.  Trajtenberg dismissed the report as based solely on rumor.
His comments came as the reported conclusions were attacked by Kadima and other social-movement groups, who said that the committee was offering too little.
"The apparent recommendations of the Trajtenberg Committee are a deception and spit in the face of millions of Israelis," Kadima said in a statement following a Channel 2 report on the committee's findings.
According to the report on Channel 2, the committee will suggest that NIS 1 to 3 billion be cut from the Defense Ministry’s budget next year, in order to provide part of the funds needed for a more socially-oriented financial plan.
Additionally, the committee will reportedly recommend increased oversight and transparency on defense-related spending.
In changes to the education system, Channel 2 reported that the committee will propose gradually-implemented free education from age three, a longer school day and funding for increased supervision and regulations on day care institutions.
In the field of taxation, the committee will advise the government to grant fathers of young children benefits only presently given to mothers, as well as higher taxation on the stock market for the wealthy.

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Lahav Harkov contributed to this report.