Cyber-security energy firm to donate technology to Israel’s first ‘smart campus’
Nation-E donates its energy infrastructure to the ORT Hermelin Academic College of Engineering and Technology in Netanya.
Herzliya-based cyber-security energy firm Nation-E will be donating its energy infrastructure to the ORT Hermelin Academic College of Engineering and Technology in Netanya, as part of the institution’s transformation into Israel’s first “smart campus,” the company announced on Tuesday.The project aims to transform the college campus into a self-sustaining micro-grid, powered by renewable energy sources and making use of energy storage assets and communication technologies. By actively participating in the project, students and faculty members will be able to gain real-life experience in optimizing energy management and consumption, as well as in mitigating cyber-security threats, according to the college.“The ‘Smart Campus’ project will give students and academic staff hands-on experience with innovative technologies,” said Prof. Gady Golan, president of the ORT Hermelin. “The affiliation between ORT Hermelin College and Nation-E promises invaluable experience for our students and cutting-edge research applicable to the industry.”By transforming the ORT Hermelin campus into an independent microgrid, its faculty and students would be able to demonstrate how electricity can be delivered precisely to consumers according to request and without power failures or extraneous costs, Golan said in October, when he first announced his intentions to pursue the plans.The project will also mark the first time that Nation-E fully integrates its products into a bi-directional energy communications network, the company explained. The system will include the firm’s Bank of Energy software platform, which works to optimize energy networks and increase their profitability, as well as the Energy Cerebrum, a communications hub and remote control unit, the firm said.“Nation-E continues to expand its vision and research and development capabilities, and ORT Hermelin is the best academic incubator in Israel for this type of research,” said Daniel Jammer, president and founder of Nation-E. “Nation-E’s expertise in the energy cyber-security domain and its investment in ORT Hermelin College will reap not only intellectual capital but will also produce tomorrow’s industry leaders.”