President Peres condemns Tuba-Zangria mosque arson

Both President Shimon Peres and Education Minister Gideon Saar on Monday condemned the vandalizing and arson of a mosque in the Galilee village of Tuba Zangria.
The two were speaking at the President's Residence at the official inauguration of a program geared towards training high school students towards scientific excellence.
Expressing his deep outrage at the incident, Peres declared that it was not a Jewish thing to do, nor was it legal or moral. "It brings great shame upon us," he said. "It is a terrible thing which I condemn in the strongest possible terms. It is a difficult day for the residents of Tuba-Zangria and a difficult day for Israeli society as a whole.
"As the President of Israel I call during these soul searching days of penitence between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, for the rooting out of such deeds from our midst". Such acts of terrorism, he said, poison the relationship between Israel and her neighbors and between Israeli citizens of different faiths."