The age old philosophy that competition is good for business is being used to lure talented Israelis back to the Promised Land.
By GREER FAY CASHMANKohav Nolad 311(photo credit: Swan Farag)
The age old philosophy that competition is good for business is beingused to lure talented Israelis living abroad back to the Promised Land.After conducting the first round of auditions for the new season ofKohav Nolad, members of the production team as well as adjudicatorswere flown by El Al to Sao Paulo, Brazil to conduct auditions for theshow among Israelis living there.El Al, which is one of the sponsors of the show, has joined in theeffort to lure Israeli singing talents back to home base. This is thethird season in which the producers of the show have traveled overseasfor the purpose of conducting auditions.The group that traveled to Sao Paulo included the show’s host ZvikaHadar, executive producers Tamira Yardeni and Yoav Tsafir, adjudicatorsMargalit Tzan’ani and Gal Uchovsky, and guest adjudicator PabloRosenberg who also happens to be the presenter for El Al.