During the two-week trip, Dershowitz and 7 international artists are traveling to Bali, East Timor and Yogyakarta, where they will work with a team of 15 Indonesian artists to paint murals. The trip, which is part of Artists for Israel's 'Art Over Hate' program, aims to bring together individuals of different faiths to promote coexistence through art.In East Timor, they were received a welcome of honor by the city's mayor and its police force. In Yogyakarta, the artists will work with an organization which uses art to keep teenagers off the streets, and in Flores, they are working with a local university.Next, A4I will travel to South Africa, England and Portugal to promote the same messages of peace and coexistence through creation. A4I operates several other programs, including their Healing Arts Kits, which use art to help children with post-traumatic stress disorder, and Healing Ink, in which renowned tattoo artists ink survivors of terror attacks.