In recording of negotiations before terrorist's deat, Mohamed Merah tells police he loves death the way they love life.
By JPOST.COM STAFFFrench Toulouse shooter Mohamed Merah 370(photo credit: REUTERS/France 2 Television)
French television channel TF1 aired on Sunday a recording of negotiations between Toulouse terrorist Mohamed Merah and French SWAT teams over the course of the police's 32-hour siege on his apartment.Ultimately, Merah was killed when the French SWAT teams stormed his apartment. He wounded a number of the SWAT team members, but was shot in the head during the gunfight.According to the audio cassettes that were aired, Merah appeared to intend on continuing his terror attacks.Merah claims he has connections with al-Qaida and explains to the SWAT teams what methods he used to outwit the French intelligence agents who were assigned to keep him under surveillance.Merah also tells police that he had not planned on being caught and that he knew and was ready for all of the tactics that the police and the negotiators would try.He reminded the police that he is armed and knew that the SWAT team might shoot and kill him, but that he was ready to accept that risk.Merah added that he was not afraid of death and loved death the way that the police loved life.