Israel citizens and businesses will shell out roughly NIS 11 million for flags of all shapes and sizes.
By NIV ELISIsraeli Flags (photo credit: NIV ELIS)
In celebration of Israel's 67th birthday, Israelis will fly an estimated 1.15 million blue and white flags, a 15% increase over the previous year.According to the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce, Israel citizens and businesses will shell out roughly NIS 11 million for flags of all shapes and sizes.Put end to end, they would reach around 940 million meters in length, according to Avi Marom, of the chamber's textile branch.There was a 10% spike in orders for giant flags for decorating buildings, and a 12% increase in purchases from local authorities."The largest flag purchased this year is 687.5 meters long," Maron said.Local and regional authorities were the most important player in the market, he said, and bought their flags well in advance. Private purchasers, meanwhile, waited until the final days to buy their own.Flag prices were up moderately this year, Marom noted, influenced by higher salaries and electricity costs.