IN MEDIA: Israel stands still for Holocaust Remembrance Day
At 10 a.m. on Thursday, citizens of Israels stopped what they were doing to stand in a moment of silence for Holocaust Remembrance Day.
By JPOST.COM STAFFUpdated: APRIL 12, 2018 15:14Israelis stop everything on Menachem Begin St in Tel Aviv as the Holocaust Remembrance Day siren is sounded Israelis stop on the highway as the Holocaust Remembrance Day siren is sounded. (AVSHALOM SASSONI/MAARIV)Israelis stop everything on Jaffa St. in Jerusalem as the Holocaust Remembrance Day siren is sounded (Seth J Fratzman)Israelis stand still at the Tel Aviv beach as the Holocaust Remembrance Day siren is sounded. (KOBI RICHTER/TPS Citizens stand at the sound of the siren for the Holocaust day, Jerusalem, Apr 12, 2018. (HILLEL MAEIR/TPS)Israelis stop everything on Ibn Gabirol St in Tel Aviv as the Holocaust Remembrance Day siren is sounded (Tamara Zieve) Citizens stand at the sound of the siren for the Holocaust day, Jerusalem, Apr 12, 2018. ( Citizens stand at the sound of the siren for the Holocaust day, Jerusalem. Apr 12, 2018)