She added that her sister prevented her from filing a complaint after the event against Olmert. She also added that she believes “all the women who dare to come out and speak, even after 30 years.” “We are in the middle of a revolution,” wrote the journalist, “for our girls and boys, granddaughters and grandchildren.”Olmert denies ever coming within “one meter” of Shtaif and said that the incident never took place.The former prime minister was released from prison in June after spending 16 months behind bars for a series of corruption convictions that included fraud, bribery and obstruction of justice. It was initially reported that the state prosecution would appeal the decision, but it declined to do so, allowing Olmert to end his prison term earlier than expected.הכל אמת. סיפרתי בזמן אמיתי להמון אנשים. נגעלתי. לא שכחתי. ולכן מאמינה לכל הנשים שמעיזות לצאת גם אחרי 30 שנה ולדבר. אנחנו באמצע המהפכה. למען הילדות הילדים הנכדות הנכדים של כולנו. זאת האחריות שלנו. לא נפחד לא נסתתר גם במחיר תקיפות אישיות . זה המחיר שאני מוכנה לשלם בשביל הדור החדש.
— hadas shtaif. הדס (@hadasshtaif) November 18, 2017