Jerusalem’s Waldorf Astoria ranked 7th best hotel in world
The Waldorf Astoria, which opened to the public in 2014, formerly served as the Palace Hotel during the British Mandate in 1929, and later as a government facility.
By DANIEL K. EISENBUDUpdated: JANUARY 8, 2016 05:34Hadassah’s Tamar Chapter will hold its annual Benefactors’ Tea at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel on October 27.(photo credit: AMIT GARON)
Jerusalem’s Waldorf Astoria was ranked the seventh best hotel in the world in ITS annual Conde Nast Travelers 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards Survey.The far-reaching survey spanned six continents and 47 countries. According to Condé Nast, more than 128,000 travelers voted in the survey, which rated the world’s top 100 luxury hotels. “The breadth of their top-rated experiences was impressive, from elegant castles in the Irish countryside to tented safari camps trailing the Great Migration across the Serengeti,” the magazine said.The Waldorf Astoria, which opened to the public in 2014, formerly served as the Palace Hotel during the British Mandate in 1929, and later as a government facility. The property, which features breathtaking views of the Old City and Independence Park, was acquired by the famous Reichmann family of Toronto for over $30 million in 2005.In an interview with The Jerusalem Post before it was completed, Joseph Reichmann, who oversaw the hotel’s design and construction, said he hoped the hotel “will cause a lot of the well-to-do-people around the world to stay longer in the city, strengthen its economy and maintain its beauty.”