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During a roundtable discussion hosted by the JCFA and attended by ‘The Post,’ Hazem Alghabra, a former senior US State Department adviser, suggested Israel extend a message of peace to Syria.
Foreign Minister Sa'ar and Justice Minister Levin propose new judicial compromise, offering concessions on Supreme Court appointments and Basic Laws.
El Al has increased its number of weekly flights: to Paris from 23 to 25; to Vienna from five to six; to Frankfurt from six to eight; to Zurich from seven to nine; and to Munich from five to six.
Variety wrote, “Nir has been a key figure in driving Israel’s rise to a power player in the global content industry.”
The Bank of Israel set the representative shekel-dollar rate down 0.248% from Monday, at NIS 3.627/$.
In a yearly address to diplomats delivered on his behalf by an aide, Francis appeared to reference deaths caused by winter cold in Gaza.
Following a significant amount of urban renewal in the city, the Jerusalem Municipality decided to update Arnona rates.
Mahmud Hassin Muhammed Bushkar, 37, intended to create an explosive belt in order to carry out terrorist attacks in Israel, the police said.
Since December, the IDF has been less public about any moves on the attack, mostly keeping a quiet defensive watch over the new buffer zone with Syria.
Israeli passport holders are able to travel to 170 countries without a visa, with some destinations requiring a visa on arrival or an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA).