He also served as a founding member of the Third Way Party, serving in the 14th Knesset, together with fellow Israel Prize winner, Prof. Alex Lubotzky.“A man of vision and action that transformed the Golan Heights from a basalt and battlefield to a vibrant area; a place of Zionist agricultural activity in the full sense of the word,” the committee wrote.For the Israel Prize in education, the committee wrote in its decision, “Prof. Ben-Zvi was a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, chair of the Center for Scientific Studies, and in the 1970s, she was a member of the team that established the Open University with the aim of making education accessible to the general population. “Prof. Ben-Zvi is a pioneer in the field of accessibility of materials to the Internet, with the understanding that children learn and internalize through learning experiences. Prof. Ben-Zvi also worked to strengthen curricula in the field of mathematics and in general, and served as chairwoman of the Israel Center for Excellence in Education, which provides education for excellent students from all sectors of the population in Israel,” it wrote.The committee hailed Ben-Zvi’s promotion of women’s leadership in the field of health and her leadership in integrating ethnic minorities, ultra-Orthodox, and people with learning disabilities into the higher education system in Israel.“Nava was invited to serve as a member of the United Nations International Initiative called Academic Impact, which aims to actively support human rights, literacy, sustainability and conflict resolution,” the committee wrote in its decision. The Israel Prize is largely regarded as the state’s highest honor. It is presented annually on Independence Day in a state ceremony in Jerusalem in the presence of the president, the prime minister, the Knesset speaker and the Supreme Court president.בישרתי כעת ליהודה הראל על זכייתו בפרס ישראל לחקלאות והתיישבות בשנת ה70 למדינה. יהודה הוא אבי ההתיישבות הישראלית בגולן. איש חזון שהפך את רמת הגולן משדה בזלת וקרב לאזור שוקק חיים. בעיניי, יהודה הוא התגלמות ארץ ישראל היפה. מזל טוב יהודה pic.twitter.com/2JGICjUu6d
— Naftali Bennett בנט (@naftalibennett) March 19, 2018