Company at Or Etzion is seeking language speakers in the periphery to be part of the teaching staff of their program aimed at olim.
The Ami conversion ulpan at Or Etzion is launching a new initiative to help and personalize the arduous journey into Judaism, by seeking language speakers in the periphery to be part of the teaching staff of their program aimed at olim.According to an announcement issued by Ami, most of the conversion ulpanim are located in the large cities in Israel, and classes in them are taught in Hebrew or Russian. Providing French, English, Spanish and other language speakers nationwide as Judaism teachers would help those who don’t have the proximity or language to participate in the large conversion ulpan classes.“We understand the advantage to buses,” said Carmi Ronen, director of Ami, alluding to the large conversion frameworks. “Many can use the bus, and the fare is cheap. But over the years we saw the need [for] trains, taxis and even private cars,” he said, referring to individual programs and teachers preparing the converts for the test eventually held by a rabbinic court.Or Etzion, under which the Ami conversion ulpan exists, is headed by Rabbi Haim Druckman, who is also head of the National Conversion Authority.“The olim still face a long journey, but at least it can be with some degree of comfort,” Ronen added. The teachers sought must be imbued with a deep calling for the national mission, as the announcement read, and with a background in Jewish studies and instruction.