Israel News

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Nova survivor arrested after drugs were found in apartment leased to tenant

At the Magistrate's Court in Hadera, the Zichron Ya'acov police station requested to extend his detention by another seven days.


Israeli man hospitalized after being infected by rare brain-eating amoeba

A 25-year-old in Israel contracts deadly brain inflammation from Naegleria fowleri amoeba at Gai Beach, prompting urgent health inspections and hospitalization in critical condition.


While vowing support for Israel Biden hopes for diplomatic agreement between Israel, Hezbollah

President Biden reaffirmed support for Israel’s security and emphasized a diplomatic solution with Hezbollah, discussing safe return arrangements for Israeli and Lebanese families with Netanyahu.

Court allows for publication: Three civilians suspected of killing Nukhba terrorist

Israeli court allows publication of case involving suspected murder of Nukhba terrorist, denied by suspect, amid controversy over gag order and police appeals for detention extension.


Nova massacre survivors attend first-ever unity Shabbat together in Jerusalem

The survivors came from diverse backgrounds, and many of them had never observed Shabbat.

Terrorist describes life in prison post-October 7

In a video published by Ben-Gvir on Thursday on his X account, the terrorist can be seen saying the quality of life in prison has deteriorated under Ben-Gvir's leadership.

Opposition blasts state attempt to assist major haredi school system in financial trouble

MK Beliak warned the "prime minister's office, head of the Knesset Finance Committee (Gafni) and all those who are involved in the matter – we are following closely."

IDF suspends reservists arrested at protests, prompting bias speculation

The decision to freeze the service of the protesters comes at a time when Israel's security officials have expressed that Israel needs more soldiers.


New Druze reservist association to tackle challenges faced by group - interview

‘We embrace the Jewish State with all our might, and would love to receive this embrace back,’ says founder Adib Abu Aasi.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sits next to foreign minister Israel Katz during a cabinet

PM Netanyahu approves Foreign Minister's wife to accompany him on trips abroad

According to an assessment, Ronit Katz's participation in the trips makes them considerably more expensive since it involves costs for business class flights and accommodation.

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