Israel News

Israel news features every important moment from the Jewish State involving politics, celebrities, and innovation. This is the hard hitting, fast paced news that represents the Jewish nation in an un bias frame so that truth about Israel is represented in the media. There is no other substitute for the best Israel news on the web...

A funny and truthful 'Weekend Rebels'

Nothing less than a heartfelt, feel-good memoir based on a touching true story.

IDF investigating claims that multiple reservists faked medical credentials

After receiving reports about the incidents, the Military Police opened an investigation into it, with the findings being forwarded to the Military Prosecutor's Office.

Netanyahu: Allowing PA to collapse not in Israel's interest

"There is a need to promote actions that stabilize the Palestinian Authority to prevent escalation in the area," Netanyahu said.

A female IDF soldier paints a comrade with mud.

IDF to launch gender-specific combat unit for religious women

The new unit will be part of the Combat Intelligence Collection Corps and will be staffed entirely by women

Head of Hostage and Missing Families Forum resigns after sexual harassment allegations

"Three months ago, I informed the members of the general assembly of my desire to step down as CEO of the headquarters, which has taken a heavy personal and family toll," Moatti said.

Workers install 5G telecommunications equipment on a T-Mobile tower in Seabrook, Texas. May 6, 2020

'As war in north looms, Israel must improve cell infrastructure security' - exclusive

"Think of what would have happened at the Nova party if those kids couldn't call their parents or send locations. We would never have found some of them," says expert.


PM Netanyahu to Sen. John Fetterman: 'Israel has had no better friend'

"We stand with Israel at this time. I am so sorry for what has been done to this nation. It is an honor to be here today," Sen. Fetterman told Netanyahu.

Military court sentences Lt.-Col. Dan Sharoni for secretly filming female IDF soldiers

Sharoni bowed his head while the judges read the summary of the verdict.

  (L-R) US President Joe Biden, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Gallant and Netanyahu trade barbs over US-Israel ties, arms delivery

White House says it's capable of working with Netanyahu government despite recent challenges.

Bill to expand 'Al Jazeera Law' passes Knesset preliminary vote

The bill expands the Communication Minister's authority to shut down foreign media.

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