Israel news features every important moment from the Jewish State involving politics, celebrities, and innovation. This is the hard hitting, fast paced news that represents the Jewish nation in an un bias frame so that truth about Israel is represented in the media. There is no other substitute for the best Israel news on the web...
“Corinne was a rare and remarkable individual who fought for her beliefs and left a powerful mark as a true force in Israeli music.”
Pentagon chief urges 'close consultation' between Israel and US on Syria, UN General Assembly overwhelmingly demands immediate Gaza ceasefire
The hard truth is that having prominent individuals extolling the virtues of a sexual predator can be triggering for any victim of sexual abuse, as their personal trauma is rekindled.
Wednesday's withdrawl is the first trade of command as outlined under last month's ceasefire.
Several television series will be presented, including David Schalko’s highly praised Kafka, an ambitious look at the tormented writer’s life, and the new Shtisel spin-off, Kugel.
Guy was signed by UMG in 2022, at which point they set out to re-produce his demo songs on a more professional level, and the video for “Arrest Me” was born.
The terrorist who committed the shooting surrendered to security forces on Thursday morning, Israel's military said.
El Al, Israel's flag-carrier airline, was ranked 105th on the list of 109 airlines.
Contrary to Netanyahu's testimony, the Likud party invested an estimated NIS 283,300 in advertisements in Walla in January 2015.
The event concluded with the unveiling of the street sign bearing Davidowitz's name, a reminder of his enduring contributions to Jewish and Israeli heritage.