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Under Health Ministry protocols, hostages are treated in designated units. Each is assigned a private room and is accompanied by a nurse, doctor, and social worker.
The march took place as the Knesset discussed a haredi IDF draft law, which is the latest in a series of legislative steps surrounding the issue of whether or not ultra-Orthodox Israelis must draft.
The committee was interrupted for 30 minutes while Katz and Likud MK Yuli Edelstein sat in silence.
Katz said that over seven years, his bill would succeed at integrating tens of thousands of haredim into the military. Opposition MKs accused him of ignoring the IDF's needs.
The project connects volunteer professionals with affected residents, offering free services to restore homes and foster a sense of unity across Israeli society.
"In the past year, through our political power, we succeeded in preventing this deal from moving forward, time and time again," he noted.
The announcement followed a thwarted attempt by Iranian operatives to entice an Israeli businessman to the UAE as part of an elaborate plot targeting him.
Meetings are set to be held during the day in Qatar to finalize the deal.
According to the report, the PA was in contact with the incoming Trump administration on the subject.
"If they don't get it done, there's going to be a lot of trouble out there," he noted, "like they have never seen before."