Israel News

Israel news features every important moment from the Jewish State involving politics, celebrities, and innovation. This is the hard hitting, fast paced news that represents the Jewish nation in an un bias frame so that truth about Israel is represented in the media. There is no other substitute for the best Israel news on the web...

Jerusalem Film Festival to host Jennifer Jason Leigh as guest of honor

The festival, which will include hundreds of new movies from around the world and from Israel, will run at the Jerusalem Cinematheque until July 27. 

The annual Freshpaint art and design fair pushes the market

"In my work, I look at fashion and religiosity and aesthetics and sanctity. I find them fascinating.”


Indictment filed against soccer coach Haim Sirotkin for running over Kaplan protesters

Sirotkin was in the car with his wife and two other individuals, where they engaged in verbal confrontations and reportedly insulted protesters. 

Winners of 2024 Wolf Prize announced

Over a third of the Wolf Prize laureates have subsequently received the Nobel Prize in corresponding disciplines.

Key witness fails to come forward in Ayia Napa rape trial in Cyprus

The suspected Israelis, ages 19-20 from Majd el-Khurum, have been detained since last September, and are charged with serious crimes including rape.

 A wildfire in Israel's north.

Hezbollah is setting Israel's North on fire. This is how you can help

While the Galilee suffers rocket and drone attacks, KKL-JNF teams are putting out the fires and preparing to rehabilitate the forests. They need support.

Biden told Netanyahu the night of Iran attacks: 'You retaliate, and you're on your own'

Netanyahu initially refused to heed Biden’s warning, arguing that a response was necessary to deter future attacks from Iran, but Biden only doubled down.


Israel no longer has chief rabbis after ministry fails to hold timely elections

The Religious Services Ministry failed to hold elections in time to reinstate the tenure of chief rabbis.

United Hatzalah launches new fleet of emergency response vehicles

“And every single one of them is going to reduce the response time of our fleets and volunteers who are on the roads. These ambucycles are going to help us save a lot of lives.”


Ra'am's Abbas proposes parliamentary investigation into surging crime in Arab sector

"The number of murder cases leaped disproportionally in the past year, as a result of a prime minister whose only interest is to remain in power, and a failing, incapable, and racist minister."

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