Israel Politics

Israeli politics are complicated and volatile so it is important to have a news source that properly captures the important politicians and political events in an organzied manner. Jerusalem Post readers will appreciate the Israeli politics section for it's unbias and zero spin approach to reporting on Israel's democratic process to avoid confusion.

Smotrich: cabinet authorized 5 West Bank outposts, sanctions against PA

"The Security Cabinet authorized one outpost for every country that unilaterally recognized Palestine as a state in the last month," Smotrich said.

Knesset defense committee delays vote to extend IDF reservist cutoff age

"Either we agree on something, or we do not, but we are all together," said MK Yuli Edelstein.

How Ben-Gurion's pragmatic decision led to haredim draft exemption

David Ben-Gurion's 1948 decision not to draft yeshiva students shaped Israel's policy, sparking decades of debate on military exemptions amid societal and political transformations.


What comes next in haredi IDF service?

The ruling may strengthen the coalition. The ruling will likely draw the haredim back to the negotiating table after negotiations between the haredi parties

 Police disperse demonstrators during a protest against haredi IDF conscription in Jerusalem

High Court ruling is too little, too late - this is why

The government cannot afford to completely ignore the ruling and refrain from drafting any haredim.

Netanyahu's Likud repeats misleading claim in attack on High Court ruling

The government promised a haredi draft bill would be completed by the end of the Knesset summer session - but it is currently proceeding at a slow pace.

'Police are not a militia': Israel Police's Kobi Shabtai blasts Ben-Gvir

Shabtai highlighted the critical role of the police in maintaining national social resilience amid growing disagreements and frustrations.

 MK Gadi Eisenkot attends a Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee meeting on ultra-Orthodox draft

Knesset Foreign Affairs Committee resumes haredi draft debates

Knesset Home Committee approves fast tracking extension of reservists age cut off.

Knesset faces controversy over IDF reservist age extension amid haredi draft debate

Israel's Knesset accelerates a bill to extend IDF reservist age limits amid controversy and legal challenges over Haredi conscription exemptions and fairness concerns.

Gap between Netanyahu, Gantz is closing; should PM be worried?

Maariv poll shows Gantz voters declining, coalition still shrinking

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