US-led air strikes slow advance of Islamic State near Syrian border town
War jets fly over Syrian town of Kobani after days of heavy raids against jihadist group.
War jets flew over the Syrian town of Kobani on Saturday after days of heavy air strikes by US warplanes, which slowed an advance by Islamic State militants against Kurdish forces defending the border town.The tempo of US-led air strikes has increased dramatically, with a US fighter craft launching six air strikes on Islamic State positions near Kobani on Friday, the US military said.More Islamic State targets were hit in the same area on Wednesday and Thursday after US fighter and bomber planes carried out 14 raids against the jihadist group.Turkish and US officials said last week that Islamic State was on the verge of taking Kobani from its heavily outgunned Kurdish defenders, after seizing strategic points deep inside the town.The four-week Islamic State assault has been seen as a test of US President Barack Obama's air strike strategy, and Kurdish leaders say the town cannot survive without arms and ammunition reaching the defenders, something neighboring Turkey has so far refused to allow.Islamic State has been keen to take the town to consolidate its position in northern Syria after seizing large amounts of territory in the country and in Iraq. A defeat in Kobani would be a major setback for the Islamists and a boost for Obama.