Abbas calls for full Palestinian membership in the UN

At meeting with Chilean counterpart, PA president claims peace negotiations have reached a "serious deadlock" due to settlement policies; says building shouldn't create a "de facto situation on the ground."

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Abbas311 reuters
(photo credit: reuters)
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday said that the time has come for "the State of Palestine on the 1967 borders to be a permanent member of the United Nations,” official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported.
“This is one of the September goals and we call on all parties, specifically the Quartet in its next meeting, to do what is necessary to force Israel to stop its aggression and end its occupation of our land,” Abbas said, speaking at a press conference with visiting Chilean President Sebastian Pinera in Ramallah.RELATED:
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The Palestinian Authority president added that peace negotiations have "reached a serious deadlock because of Israel’s land expropriation policy and systematic settlement of Palestinian land in general and Jerusalem in particular in spite of the international consensus that settlements are illegal and that they should not make a de facto situation on the ground.”
Abbas stated that "in spite of all the obstacles," the Palestinian people would continue to support efforts for peace.
Abbas thanked Pinera for recognizing an independent Palestinian state and upgrading the status of the PA's delegation in Santiago.
Pinera responded, stating that "Chile has defended and truly believed in the justice of the Palestinian cause.  The Palestinian people should have their viable state and be independent with the right to move freely. They should be able to live in peace with all their neighbors.”
The Chilean president added that he will also discuss the peace process with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who he was scheduled to meet on Sunday.
Pinera praised the contributions of the Palestinian expatriate community in Chile, the largest outside of the Arab world.

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"The Palestinian community in Chile has played a big role in the development of the economy, culture and the art,” he said. “There are many Chileans of Palestinian origins participating in the parliament.”