2 ultra-Orthodox soldiers attacked in Mea She'arim
Police: Beating was response to haredi protest against military service.
By DANIEL K. EISENBUDHaredi, soldier at IDF recruitment office 370(photo credit: Marc Israel Sellem)
Police said dozens of ultra-Orthodox men assaulted two haredi IDF soldiers in Jerusalem’s Mea She’arim neighborhood Sunday night, resulting in the hospitalization of both victims.“There were two male soldiers in uniform walking in the neighborhood and all of a sudden there were calls from people around the area to rough them up,” said Police Spokesman Micky Rosenfeld on Monday. “The two soldiers were repeatedly punched and beaten by a group of over 30 men.”Rosenfeld added police arrived on the scene and the the two soldiers were taken and treated at an area hospital and released.The attack took place three days after an anti-draft protest, carried out by the ultra-Orthodox organization Eda Haredit, turned violent when haredi protesters threw rocks, glass bottles and other objects at police in front of Jerusalem’s IDF recruiting office in Romema.Rosenfeld said he believed Sunday’s assault was precipitated by haredi anger over the government mandate that ultra-Orthodox Jews must commit to military service.“It seems the background is connected to the recruitment of haredim into the army,” he said.Rosenfeld said no arrests have been made, but police are actively investigating the assault and plan to make arrests shortly.