Can #Hajjselfie beat the #OscarSelfie in Retweets ? Lets RT this To infinity #Muslim and say #mashAllah
— Somalia Pundit (@SomPundit) April 30, 2014
The French news agency AFP quoted a professor of Sharia law based in Riyadh as saying that "if photographs are only for personal memory and not for disseminating, then no problem. But if they were for the purpose of showing off, then they are prohibited, such as the photography that takes place at the (hajj) rites."Morality battles over #hajjselfie aside, this guy is winning. #NotInMyName Via @iimandesu #الحج_1435
— Erin Kilbride (@neo_chlo) October 2, 2014
#hajjselfie 2013 returning #Muzdalifah
— Mazhar Ghaffar (@mazharghaffar_) October 3, 2014