Lanai Cat Sanctuary in Hawaii is home to almost 500 cats

And you can cuddle every one of them!
If you have time of course!
The sanctuary is located on the small Hawaiian island of Lanai
People come from all over the world to visit
One man flew all the way from Japan just to spend a single day with the cats!
We can’t really blame him though. Just look at them all!
The sanctuary is situated on 25,000 square feet of land
The cats don’t have cages so they’re free to roam and explore
People are free to visit between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. every day
All the cats are available for either foster or adoption and you can also sponsor one of them
Any cat that doesn’t find a home is free to live at the sanctuary for the rest of its life
No wonder the sanctuary’s executive director refers to it as the “Furr” Seasons!