JRoast Purim spoof: SodaStream- No bubbly for Prime Minister’s Office
Prime Minister Benjamin (Bubbly) Netanyahu has apparently developed a dependence on the raspberry-flavored variety of the drink.
By NIFTY ALICEPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends a Likud party meeting at parliament in Jerusalem(photo credit: REUTERS)
In an ironic turn of events, Israel-based international carbonated water company SodaStream has notified the Prime Minister’s Office that it will not supply an request for 74 of their kits for use in the PMO.Prime Minister Benjamin (Bubbly) Netanyahu has apparently developed a dependence on the raspberry-flavored variety of the drink and ordered his staff to purchase the home carbonation product for every worker in his office.“Bubbly can’t get enough of the stuff,” said a harried Eli Groaner, the director-general of the PMO. “We were thinking of holding an intervention, but then he made us try some and now we’re all addicted.”However, after placing the order with SodaStream, Groaner was given a flat response. SodaStream’s CEO, Argentine-Israeli pianist and conductor Daniel Barenboim, explained to the Purim Post that ince the work permits for 74 longtime Palestinian workers at their Rahat plant were rescinded by the PMO last month, SodaStream has been unable to keep up with the influx of orders from around the world.“We’re even drinking tap water in the plant.My nerves are too frazzled to even practice the piano,” said Barenboim.Barenboim has surprisingly been met with some competition from his former Palestinian workers , who last week launched their own home carbonation kit called SeltzerRiver.Their first order to their new factory near Ramallah came from… the Prime Minister’s Office. “I understand that it doesn’t really make sense that we’re giving business to a Palestinian company instead of an Israeli one,” said Groaner.“But have you tried their Lemon Fizz? It’s to die for.”