Click here to send us your comments >> Fredy Ross, Tel Aviv, Israel: Hopefully the Palestinians will do what they did in Kyrenia, Cyprus. Every Anglican church still stands but has a Minaret on top. At least we are not asking Jews to desecrate Synagogues which would be more insulting. I just hope the Palestinians realize the whole world is watching their behavior and they will think about the media before they do what they did in 1948. Lawrence Ryz, London, England: We know already from the history of the state of Israel that leaving the synagogues intact in Gaza will mean that they will be desecrated by the Palestinians. Their lack of respect for anything Jewish can be seen by reviewing the PA controlled media. Shall we await the deafening silence from the UN security council? Kenneth S. Besig, Kiryat Arba Israel: If by now any Israeli still harbors the idea that we can make peace with the Palestinians, I doubt the Palestinian sacking of the Gush Katif synagogues will disabuse them of their fantasies. After the past five years of unrelenting Palestinian terror and cold blooded murder of innocent Israeli men, women, children, and babies, what will it take for us to finally recognize the Palestinians as our blood enemy and inflict the military reprisals which will destroy his will to make war against us? Rabbi Eisemann: If the Palestinians desecrate the synagogues -- G-d forbid -- it will be the duty of the media in both Israel and the rest of the world to focus on the issue. If the Palestinians are severely chastised in the court of public opinion they may realize that it is to their own advantage to adhere to the norms of civilized society. Stephen Gidon Esrati, Shaker Heights, Ohio USA: It is another concession to the Orthodox to leave the Gaza synagogues to the Arab mob, to allow celebration over desecration and ruination. Why not leave a few members of the IDF, too, so they can be greeted as were the two lynching victims in Ramallah? Nothing should be left to the mob to enjoy, not even the sweat of Ariel Sharon. Chaim, Miami Beach, FL USA: I am amazed at the short sightedness and thinking of some self hating Jews of the culture, customs and symbols of their heritage. I can understand their refusal to adhere to any religious observances, since they claim in their reasoning that these religious requirements are not mandated by a divine entity but are merely instructions issued by an ancient society, but not to denigrate the people that do believe and find solace in Judaic symbolism and conforming to religious conduct. The reasoning proffered to destroy any vestige of Judaism in Gaza is to be considerate of the Moslem sensitiveness is just wrong. We even disturbed the sanctity of the final peaceful resting place of those that were unlucky to be buried in Gaza. There has to be a defined line as just how much the government of Israel must do to placate the unbridled hatred of the Moslem philosophy which historically was directed against any and all other religious beliefs. If this refusal to demolish any vestige of all the pain and suffering imposed upon the Jews is or becomes a deal breaker then so be it.
More about: | Tel Aviv, Miami Beach, Florida, London, Ariel Sharon |