This "cruise" by international leftist dupes to supposedly break the Gaza blockade is a publicity stunt intended to embarrass Israel and provide support to the Hamas terrorist regime.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFletters 88(photo credit: )Sink this 'cruise'
Sir, - I disagree with Yehudit Collins ("Memorable cruise," Letter, August 7). This "cruise" by international leftist dupes to supposedly break the Gaza blockade is a publicity stunt intended to embarrass Israel and provide support to the Hamas terrorist regime that is the occupying power in Gaza (according to the PA in Ramallah).
Israel should do what any self-respecting country would do: respond seriously and definitively, in a way that will put a stop to any further such attempts.
Let them see we mean business, otherwise we will forever be partners in the continuing process of trivialization of the Palestinian war against us.
Nail on the head
Sir, - Arieh Eldad hit the nail on the head in "It's embarrassing to be an Israeli" (August 7). The people of Israel deserve better than a system where Kadima's candidates for prime minister are currently buying votes.
Beit Horon
Livni and Meir
Sir, - After I submitted a lighthearted letter about Tzipi Livni's personal appearance (which, admittedly, is not vital to her ability to be prime minister) I was amused to see an experienced journalist like Hillel Halkin write "Livni is a blandly personable woman who keeps tossing the hair out of her eyes" ("National elections, now," August 6).
But, in all seriousness, is she really of the caliber of Golda Meir?
Herzliya Pituah
No give, no get
Sir - It seems to me that people who object to the removal of organs because brain death may not be sufficient should certainly object to having their own failing organs removed in order to replace them with healthy ones.
If you take a deliberate step to prevent your organs from being used for transplant, logically and automatically you should thereby disqualify yourself from receiving organs should you need them ("Edah Haredit to distribute "Card of Life' to reject organ donations," August 7).
Chinese Taipei Olympic team
Sir, - Today, we are witnessing a time when relations across the Taiwan Straits are moving in a positive direction, after being in high tension for many years. After May 20, when Dr. Ma Ying-jeou was inaugurated as our new president, and especially after July 4, when weekend direct charter flights between Taiwan and mainland China started operating regularly, both sides have demonstrated good will.
With the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games today, the Chinese Taipei Olympic Team is in Beijing with its 80 athletes, 44 men and 36 women, who will participate in 15 Olympic events.
We wish them all success and hope the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be smoothly successful ("Great first impression," Allon Sinai, August 6).
Taipei Economic & Cultural Office
Tel Aviv
Aunt Rose, hero
Sir, - When Iread "'Exodus' passenger finally makes aliya" (July 23) it made me think of my aunt Rose Warfman (her maiden name was Gluck), who lives in Manchester, England.
Together with Abbe Joseph Glasberg, a Jew who had become a Catholic priest - and who saved thousand of Jews during WWII, becoming a Righteous Among the Nations - she made up, in France, false identity cards for the passengers of the Exodus 1947.
Herself a survivor of Auschwitz and of Gross-Rosen, she helped other Jews return to their homeland. Her work and dedication live on.
Highland Park, New Jersey