Israel News

Israel news features every important moment from the Jewish State involving politics, celebrities, and innovation. This is the hard hitting, fast paced news that represents the Jewish nation in an un bias frame so that truth about Israel is represented in the media. There is no other substitute for the best Israel news on the web...

Terrorist describes life in prison post-October 7

In a video published by Ben-Gvir on Thursday on his X account, the terrorist can be seen saying the quality of life in prison has deteriorated under Ben-Gvir's leadership.

Opposition blasts state attempt to assist major haredi school system in financial trouble

MK Beliak warned the "prime minister's office, head of the Knesset Finance Committee (Gafni) and all those who are involved in the matter – we are following closely."

IDF suspends reservists arrested at protests, prompting bias speculation

The decision to freeze the service of the protesters comes at a time when Israel's security officials have expressed that Israel needs more soldiers.


New Druze reservist association to tackle challenges faced by group - interview

‘We embrace the Jewish State with all our might, and would love to receive this embrace back,’ says founder Adib Abu Aasi.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sits next to foreign minister Israel Katz during a cabinet

PM Netanyahu approves Foreign Minister's wife to accompany him on trips abroad

According to an assessment, Ronit Katz's participation in the trips makes them considerably more expensive since it involves costs for business class flights and accommodation.


John Irving in Jerusalem: I’m pro-Israel, I’m pro-Jewish, and here for you

Irving, who last visited Israel in 1981, said his new book brings back some of the characters and setting of his beloved novel, The Cider House Rules.

CBS: Real average wages up 4.4% from last year, down from March

Average wages for Israeli workers were down in April of 2024 when compared to March 2024.

 AFEKA PRESIDENT AMI MOYAL: ‘It is our moral duty and national obligation to ensure that no student

From the front lines to the finish line: Engineering college tackles unprecedented disruption

For Afeka, with over 40% of its student body called to reserve duty, ensuring that its students complete their studies on time is key to building Israel’s national resilience.

'No Palestinian state west of the Jordan River,' 63 Knesset members say

The 63 signatories are a majority of the 120-member Knesset and include prominent opposition members. Plans advanced for 5,300 new West Bank settler homes.

Four days of protests for elections, hostages kick off around the country

Among organizations participating were women's protest organization Bonot Alternativa, The Academic Protest, Kaplan Force, Change Generation, Yom Kippur Fighters 73, The Black Flags, and many more.

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